Never lose out on OHIP billing revenue again.

OHIP billing is complex. DoctorCare alleviates the administrative burden of billing management by identifying missed and potential revenue opportunities and enabling you to quickly and easily resolve outstanding errors, monitor your roster, and capitalize on all of your revenue opportunities.

Automated OHIP billing management and revenue optimization solutions for Ontario physicians.

Are you or your staff spending their time trying to decipher OHIP billing codes, fixing billing errors, and keeping up with changes in fee codes? Whether you work within an EMR or you are using a paper-based system, we can work with your team to take time-consuming billing tasks off their plate so they can focus on your patients’ care.

Automated OHIP Billing

Pain-free billing review, submissions, and management.

Error Reconciliation

Resolve outstanding OHIP billing errors and automate re-submissions.

Reporting & Transparency

Gain insight into your billing performance, understand how you get paid, and key drivers of revenue.

Roster Management

Actively monitor your roster get alerts on patient visit frequency, and get outside use under control.

Bonus Optimization

Get help to interpret and capitalize on your access bonuses, special premiums, and diabetic management.

Preventive Care Support

Stay on top of your preventive care bonus and improve patient screening rates.

Billing Hotline

Overwhelmed by MOH technicalities? Does your staff have questions? Call our special hotline at 1-844-224-6244 for help with:

Relieve the stress from billing complexity and improve your practice.

Get started today with a no-risk, no-obligation trial.

Get started today with a no-risk, no-obligation trial.

In just a couple of hours we can get you started with optimizing your billings and maximizing your revenue. 

Please fill out our contact form and we will get in touch with you shortly. 

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A DoctorCare representative will be in touch shortly to confirm your meeting date and time.

Interested in learning more about DoctorCare’s solutions for medical billing? Explore our website.