MSP Billing: How to Bill for Immunizations and Injections

In British Columbia, billing immunizations and injections can be quite complicated as there are different requirements for patients depending on their age. We are finding that many physicians are billing these codes incorrectly and are spending a lot of time fixing errors or missing out on revenue potential. In this blog, we will share a breakdown of the latest updates to immunization and injection codes and provide examples to help you reduce billing errors and rejections.

MSP Billing Codes for Patients 18 Years of Age and Younger

Infants and Children Immunizations

The following chart outlines the timing and billing codes for immunizations and injections for children in British Columbia between the ages 0 and 4 years. All fee codes are valued at $5.43.

Fee CodeVaccine2 Months4 Months6 Months12 Months18 MonthsStarting at 4 years
10023Pneumococcal ConjugateX  X X  
10020Meningococcal C ConjugateX  X  
10022MMR   X  
10026Varicella   X  
10027DTaP-IPV-Hib    X 
10010Tdap-IPV     X
10030MMRV     X
10015Influenza  XXXX
10016Hepatitis A  X X 

Billing Requirements

  • Billable in addition to an office visit
  • Bill the vaccine code with the ICD-9 code 33A
  • Billable up to 4 vaccinations per patient per day in addition to the office visit

Let’s look at an example:

A 6-month-old baby girl visits your office for her vaccinations. What should you billing? You should bill the code 12100 for the office visit in addition to the immunization codes she is getting. The chart below breaks it down:

Fee CodeValue
12100 Office Visit
10027 DTap-H8-IPV-Hib
10015 Influenza
10016 Hepatitis A

School Age Immunizations

The following chart lists all vaccines that are provided to children in British Columbia who are in grades 6 and 9. All fee codes are valued at $5.43.

Fee CodeVaccineGrade 6Grade 9
10017Hepatitis B2 doses 
10028HPV2 doses 
10026Varicella1 or 2 doses 
10021Meningococcal Quadrivalent Conjugate 1 dose  
10014Tdap 1 dose

Billing Requirements

  • Billable in addition to an office visit
  • Bill the vaccine code with ICD-9 code 33A
  • Up to 4 vaccinations are billable per patient per day in addition to the office visit

Here is an example:

A boy in grade 9 comes into your office for their vaccinations. As with the children and infants immunizations, you should bill the code for the office visit (in this case, 00100) in addition to the codes for the immunizations he is getting. The chart below breaks it down:

Fee CodeValue
00100 Office Visit
10021 Meningococcal Quadrivalent Conjugate
10014 Tdap

MSP Billing Codes for Immunizations for Patients 19 Years of Age and Older

The following chart lists all vaccines available to patients 19 years of age or older who were not immunized in childhood. It also lists the recommended vaccines for those who are in high-risk groups, such as those with chronic illness or weakened immune systems.

Vaccine1st visit4 weeks later2 months after 1st visit6 months after 1st visit6 months after 2nd visitEvery 10 years
Meningococcal C ConjugateX     
Meningococcal Quadrivalent ConjugateX     
Hepatitis BXX X  
VaricellaX X   
Td X  XX
Pneumococcal PolysaccharideXXXXXX

For these patients  there are two codes that you can use to bill for immunizations and injections. For intramuscular injections use fee code 00010 and for subcutaneous injections use fee code 00034. Please note that you will only bill these codes If the sole purpose of the visit is the injection.

Fee CodeDescriptionValue
00010Injection, Intramuscular   Intramuscular (IM) injection includes influenza (flu) shot and other IM immunizations for patients 19 years or older$11.37
00034Injection, subcutaneous   Subcutaneous injections including desensitization treatments, immunization, oral polio vaccine, etc. (maximum charge per sitting – 3)$11.37

Billing Requirements

  • Codes apply to all MSP funded vaccinations as well as other injections such as vitamin B12 testosterone and allergy shots
  • Bill the vaccine code with ICD-9 code 33A
  • A maximum of three of any combination of 00010 and 00034 are billable per patient per day
  • Fee code 00010 and 00034 are not billable with a visit fee for the same patient on the same day

Here is an example:

A 40-year-old man comes in to get his allergy shot. How much would you bill?

Fee CodeValue
00010 Injection, Intramuscular$11.37

In this example, you only bill the 00010 fee code for $11.37 because the sole purpose of the man’s visit was to get his allergy shot. In the case where he may have come in for another reason and decided to get the shot as well, you would only bill for the office visit (fee code 00100).

Temporary MSP Billing Fee Codes for Immunization

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry added the following four temporary fee codes to incentivize respiratory vaccines.

Fee CodesDescriptionValue
T10042COVID-19 immunization (with visit)$5.43
TB10043COVID-19 immunization (without visit)$14
TB10044Extended COVID-19 Immunization (extra)$17.62
T10045COVID-19 immunization advice fee (extra)$17.62

Please note that all COVID-19 fee codes are required to be billed with the diagnostic code C19.

For more information on how to bill COVID-19 immunization codes, read our blog on Understanding MSP Billing Codes for COVID-19, Virtual Care and Telehealth here.

Have questions on how to bill the MSP billing codes for immunizations and injections? Contact us today! We’re happy to help.

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