DoctorCare Spotlight: Dr. Mohamed Farhat

Dr. Mohamed Farhat has been a family doctor for the past 25 years caring for approximately 3000 patients with a majority of his patients being adults. He is currently practicing at DAWA Medical Clinic in Calgary, Alberta.

When DoctorCare first started working with Dr. Farhat back in January, we conducted a review of his billings and immediately found he had $6,000 of lost revenue to the daily visit cap over a period of three months. We signed him up with Billing Care and over the past several months, have been able to further reduce his trailing three month visit cap loss to zero.

We sat down with Dr. Farhat to learn more about his challenges and how DoctorCare has helped his practice.

“With DoctorCare, I like how they provide me with a report of all my billings in an organized fashion. They also provide me with an in-depth analysis report to show me areas where I can optimize my billings. It really helps to have someone guide me through what steps I need to take and what billings I should focus on to improve in terms of payment.”

DoctorCare: What are some of the billing related challenges you’ve found in your practice?

Dr. Farhat: One of the biggest challenges that I found in my practice is timing. I realized that I need to be careful with timing when it comes to billing. There are times where you think you are billing and recording accurately but then at the end of the day, when you go back and check the hours you’ve recorded, you find that you recorded more hours than what you did. For example, the other day I took some time out to review my billings and found that I had recorded roughly 16 hours’ worth of billings, but I worked 10 or 11 hours that day. So, I would have to go back in and spend additional time reviewing those extra five hours and fixing it. I have been trying to correct this by recording my billings more accurately and using a stopwatch for visits like complex care to make sure that I have the time recorded for the visit.

DoctorCare: Why did you choose to work with DoctorCare?

Dr. Farhat: I have been doing my own billing before I joined DoctorCare. I still prefer to do a lot of it on my own, but I decided to join because I was looking for someone to review my billings and provide me with insight on the status of my billings and how to better optimize them. Prior to joining DoctorCare, there were a couple of problems that I was dealing with.

The first problem was maximizing my billings, I needed help with knowing which billings I needed to optimize.

The second problem was I was receiving too many refused or partially paid billings. I needed help with fixing these refusals because it took a lot of time for me to review those billings and trying to understand and fix them.

DoctorCare: What did you like most about your experience working with DoctorCare?

Dr. Farhat: With DoctorCare, I like how they provide me with a report of all my billings in an organized fashion. They also provide me with an in-depth analysis report to show me areas where I can optimize my billings. It really helps to have someone guide me through what steps I need to take and what billings I should focus on to improve in terms of payment.

DoctorCare continues to work with Dr. Farhat to ensure all of his billing questions are answered and he is optimizing his revenue.

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